Saturday, July 21, 2018

Allyoulike: Photoshop Retouching Techniques Beauty Portraits Video Tutorial

This feed was created by mixing existing feeds from various sources. Photoshop Retouching Techniques Beauty Portraits Video Tutorial
Jul 21st 2018, 15:11, by maxdugan

beauty portraits

A visual-practical DVD guide to professional beauty and portrait retouching using flexible solutions for a variety of photo retouching jobs, from flawless magazine covers to reality portrait retouching.

In this course, Timothy Sexton, senior retoucher at New York's Gloss Studio, builds the foundation for mastering the art of fashion retouching. The course begins with a discussion of how to evaluate an image and develop a retouching strategy that dovetails with the client's needs and the photographer's vision. Timothy also details an approach to file and layer management that simplifies creating multiple versions of a photo for client approval.

Topics include:

Working on color, contrast, and tone
Managing layers
Removing imperfections with the Clone Stamp and Quick Mask tools
Using soft and hard brushes to clean up hair
Refining the eyes and brows
Plumping lips with Liquify
Finalizing the color
Finishing with Dodge and Burn

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